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American Futures Institute

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A Duke Student-Run Think Tank

Founded in 2019, the American Futures Institute (AFI) is a student-led policy think tank and consulting group based out of Duke University. We offer pro-bono research and consulting services to legislators, businesses, and nonprofits. Our goal is to work with each of our clients to determine what specialized projects would be most helpful for their specific needs and desires. 


As a student-led organization, AFI seeks to introduce the next generation of policymakers and civic leaders to data-driven policy that solves problems and improves lives. Our members undergo training through student-led research projects prior to working hands-on to solve real world public policy problems.


Every semester teams of two to five students complete pro-bono consulting projects for state legislators, businesses, and non-profits on an array of pressing topics (infrastructure, sustainability, education, civil rights, public health, economic mobility and social services). These projects include but are not limited to the following services: 

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Policy Research

Examine and evaluate:

  • Potential policy solutions

  • Legislative options and implementation methods

  • Political climate for an issue

  • Citizens' needs and policy gaps

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 Analyze and research:

  • Organizational Performance

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives 

  • Growth Approach

  • Revenue and Budget Planning

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Construct publicity and advertisement campaigns  

  • Social media advertisement and infographics

  • Stakeholder engagement 

  • Messaging and branding

Data-driven and nonpartisan policy research and consulting

Past Clients

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Get in Touch

Duke University

Durham, North Carolina

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